воскресенье, 18 мая 2008 г.

A physiological model of a circannual oscillator

Article Services Google Scholar PubMed Social Bookmarking Journal of Biological Rhythms, Vol.No.252-264 (2008) DOI: 10.SAGE Publications A PHYSIOLOGICAL MODEL OF A CIRCANNUAL OSCILLATOR DUNCAN J.Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK GERALD A.Centre for Reproductive Biology, University of Edinburgh, The Queen's Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, UK, gerald. Recent evidence based on studies in hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected Soay sheep suggests that the generation of circannual rhythms may be localizable to specific tissues or physiological systems.The authors present a physiological model of a circannual rhythm generator centered in the pituitary gland based on the interaction between melatonin-responsive cells in the pars tuberalis that act to decode photoperiod, and lactotroph cells of the adjacent pars distalis that secrete prolactin.Model produces a self-sustained, circannual rhythm in endocrine output that the authors explore by mathematical modeling.
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