суббота, 23 февраля 2008 г.

Dcep chemotherapy followed by a single, fixed dose of pegylated filgrastim allows adequate stem cell mobilization in multiple myeloma patients

1537-2995. Abstract TRANSPLANTATION AND CELLULAR ENGINEERING DCEP CHEMOTHERAPY FOLLOWED BY A SINGLE, FIXED DOSE OF PEGYLATED FILGRASTIM ALLOWS ADEQUATE STEM CELL MOBILIZATION IN MULTIPLE MYELOMA PATIENTS Patrizia Zappasodi, Anna Maria Nosari, Cesare Astori, Dennis Ciapanna, Maurizio Bonfichi, Marzia Varettoni, Silvia Mangiacavalli, Enrica Morra, Mario Lazzarino, and Alessandro Corso From the Division of Hematology, Foundation IRCCS Policlinico S.Of Pavia, Pavia; and the Division of Hematology, Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital, Milan, Italy.Patrizia Zappasodi, MD, Division of Hematology, Foundation, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Via Golgi 2, 27100 Pavia, Italy; e-mail: .The authors state that they had no conflicts of interest and no industry support for the conduct and publication of this study.ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Pegylated filgrastim (PEG-f), a long-lasting granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor, has been used in different hematologic conditions to shorten chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and to mobilize peripheral blood stem cells.On mobilization efficacy in patients with multiple myeloma are, however, still limited.STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The feasibility and mobilizing capacity of DCEP chemotherapy followed by a single subcutaneous dose of 6 mg of PEG-f in 23 myeloma patients (11 females and 12 males) whose median age was 55 years (range, 31-67 years) were investigated.RESULTS: The median number of CD34+ cells collected was 5.Per kg body weight with a range between 0 106 and 29.Per kg body weight.Patients (87%) yielded more than 2 106 per kg body weight CD34+ cells.The 22 patients who mobilized some CD34+ cells, 27 leukapheresis procedures were carried out (a single leukapheresis procedure in 17 patients and 2 leukapheresis procedures in 5).Median interval between the start of chemotherapy and the first leukapheresis procedure was 12 days (range, 11-16 days).To tolerability, 7 patientsplained of mild to moderate back pain, controlled with oral analgesics.Patient was hospitalized, and no fever or infections occurred.
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